Many people will be upset when they read that headline, as for some God only knows reason they are fans of this guy. They may halfheartedly agree with Bashir being arrogant, but they will never agree with him being stupid!
Many people will be upset when they read that headline, as for some God only knows reason they are fans of this guy. They may halfheartedly agree with Bashir being arrogant, but they will never agree with him being stupid!
But then again, my definitions of the words, may be a little different than theirs. So, as an FYI:
The act of making statements based on pride, self-importance, conceit, or the assumption of intellectual superiority.
Stupidity is actually possessing the knowledge, but choosing to overlook it. Or if actually being of superior intellect choosing to obfuscate the truth in favor of popularity or vanity.
Still don’t agree? TOUGH!
Case in point:
A post from his Producer – Michelle AM Brown on 11/26/2012, which I can only excerpt for copyright reasons, but you can find it in its entirety here where their speaking about the Republicans willingness to negotiate to avoid the “fiscal cliff”
Mitt Romney’s presidential run is over, but his tax plan makes a comeback
Not quite. What we have here appears to be yet another distraction. Not one explicit mention of a willingness to allow the Bush Tax cuts to expire for the wealthiest 2%. Grover Norquist, his tiny heart, and pledge are being sent to hide in the deep recesses of Mount Crumpit, while these so called reasonable Republicans dust off the old “close loopholes” and “cap deductions” we heard again and again from the losing Mitt Romney Campaign (circa three weeks ago).
Yes, thus far, congressional Republicans’ big concession is to embrace the tax plan of the losing presidential candidate, Mitt Romney. Even as a new CNN/ ORC poll shows a majority of Americans support a balanced approach. Two-thirds say that any agreement should include a mix of spending cuts and tax increases, with just under one in three saying a deal should only include spending cuts.
The arrogance is obvious by the adjectives they choose to use. Sure you can say they’re just be journalists, but true journalists don’t use adjectives whose sole purpose serves to belittle the subject. THAT kind of journalism is usually reserved for the primary school playgrounds. Some might then opine that their style is simply “creative writing” – well – if they’re writing the next best selling novel, I might say OK – but by all indications, they’re supposed to be presenting fact surrounding an extremely important subject on “a progressive cable news and information channel.” NOTE: Of course that is not a definition of MSNBC based what they broadcast, but what they claim to be.
Now onto the “stupidity” part.
Martin Bashir is a very intelligent person, and I’m sure so is his producer Ms. Brown. So why are they even implying that “closing loopholes,” and “capping deductions” is at the very least if not IN FACT equivalent to a “tax increase?”
For example: If the majority of Americans where to lose, let’s say the deduction for interest on their home mortgage…wouldn’t that be a tax increase? Wouldn’t you be paying higher taxes? Wouldn’t your taxes have “gone up?”
But according to Bashir’s & Browns logic warped logic – sorry, you simply lost a deduction!
…while these so called reasonable Republicans dust off the old “close loopholes” and “cap deductions” we heard again and again from the losing Mitt Romney Campaign
…poll shows a majority of Americans support a balanced approach. Two-thirds say that any agreement should include a mix of spending cuts and tax increases
Now that I think about it, many of the leaders of the Democrats party think the same way! But I digress…
It is for this reason I say that Mr. Bashir is just plain stupid! He is NOT IGNORANT of the facts – he just chooses to whitewash them! OMG I hope he doesn’t think that was a code word or a dog-whistle – and that I’m being racist! Whitewash is simply a “nice word” for censorship, to cover over, poorly! Bashir knows damn well, that losing deductions, closing loopholes, and capping deductions is actually better for the Federal Treasury than a “simple” tax increase!
Why not admit it?
Using the same example I used above – if you’re not able to deduct the interest you pay on your mortgage – and everything else on your tax return is the same – won’t you be paying more in taxes? Doesn’t that mean the treasury is getting more of your hard earned money that before?
But no, Bishir can’t do that and neither can the Democrats in Congress. To do so would that would mean that Governor Romney had the right idea. Worse yet, that would be agreeing with the Republicans, and admitting they, the democrats are wrong.
And we can’t have that now, can we?
NIH (not invented here) to the max! The president wants to simply raise the taxes on the wealthy, and promises we’ll cut the spending later! Now, I was in fact born at night, but NOT last night!
Using a line out of the Democrats Election Playbook – GREAT – you want to raise taxes and cut spending later? Well, let’s have the specifics…exactly WHAT programs are to be cut? How much will that program be cut? How does that compare to the funding they had last year? When will the cut go into effect? Who will these cuts effect most?
Oopps, that would mean submitting a budget to congress for approval, and OMG the Senate under Senator Harry Reid (D-NV) hasn’t passed a budget in, um…hold on it’s been so long I have to go look it up…the last budget signed by the President of the United States was….
When was the last time we had a budget bill that was approved?
April of 2009. But technically it was just an “omnibus spending bill,” and President Barack Obama was none too thrilled to be signing it, citing the excessive number of earmark projects. The following year, Democrats chose not to put forth a budget bill because they deemed it politically imprudent during the hotly contested midterm elections. Same thing happened the next year. You get the point.
The American Prospect Clare Malone April 18, 2012
We all know that if the taxes are raised on JUST one segment of the populous, the promised spending cuts will never materialize. There will always be some special interest group that needs to be taken care of, some election coming up that would be effected, or some other cockamamie excuse for not making the cuts.
If the President and his followers want more of ANY ONES hard earned money – they should at the very least tell us what they’re going to do with it! And I’m sorry Mr. President – promising to make cuts later simply won’t do! We’ve got too many people on the unemployment line, too many people who’ve simply given up trying. Way to many people who need a hand up – not a hand out. And Washington is failing on all counts.
OK OK back to Bishir – So, if Martin Bishir and his staff really want to be of service to his 7 viewers out there, then he should use the knowledge I know he has and tell it like it REALLY is! Not some talking points handed to you by the White House or the DNC.
- Kensei