Amazing how one can go from the company that will save the world – to the company that has always been criminally negligent etc…
Federal Gov’t Halts Sand Berm Dredging

Nungesser Pleads With President To Allow Work To Continue …The berms are meant to protect the Louisiana coastline from oil. But the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Department has concerns about where the dredging is being done. The department says one area where sand is being dredged is a sensitive section of the Chandeleur Islands, and the state failed to meet [...]
How Dare He?

Ya know there is a lot of folks upset with BP’s CEP Tony Hayward. First he tells everybody that he’s being effected by the spill too and really would like his life back…and now after testifying in Washington that he either wasn’t present when the decision was made, didn’t know – or couldn’t possibly know – he has the audacity [...]
Pelosi on BP $20 Billion “Accountability Fund “
Speaker Nancy Pelosi issued the following statement today in response to President Obama’s announcement that BP will set up a $20 billion accountability fund with independent, third-party oversight to pay claims from victims of the BP oil spill, set up a $100 million fund to compensate rig workers, and halt dividend payments this year: “BP must be held accountable and [...]
Remarks by the President to the Nation on the BP Oil Spill

Note: The Video of this speech is posted at the end of the transcript. Oval Office 8:01 P.M. EDT THE PRESIDENT: Good evening. As we speak, our nation faces a multitude of challenges. At home, our top priority is to recover and rebuild from a recession that has touched the lives of nearly every American. Abroad, our brave men and [...]
President Obama Announces Bromwich to Fix Oil Industry Oversight

Today, President Barack Obama announced his selection of Michael R. Bromwich to lead the Administration’s efforts to accelerate reforms in the regulation and oversight of offshore oil drilling. Bromwich will lead the effort to reform the Minerals Management Service (MMS), restoring integrity and rigor to the relationship between federal regulatory officials and oil companies. Bromwich will develop the plans for [...]
Remarks by the President on the Economy at Carnegie Mellon University

Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 1:22 P.M. EDT THE PRESIDENT: Thank you. Thank you very much. (Applause.) Thank you, everybody. Please have a seat. Thank you very much. Let me begin by thanking Dr. Jared Cohon, and the entire Carnegie Mellon community, for welcoming me once again, and for the terrific work that he and the administration, faculty and staff [...]
Remarks by the President After Meeting with BP Oil Spill Commission Co-Chairs

Rose Garden 11:50 A.M. EDT THE PRESIDENT: Good morning, everybody. I just met with these gentlemen, former Senator Bob Graham of Florida and former EPA Administrator, Bill Reilly. They will lead the National Commission on the BP oil spill in the Gulf, which is now the greatest environmental disaster of its kind in our history. Their job, along with the [...]
Remarks by the President After Briefing on BP Oil Spill

U.S. Coast Guard Station Grande Isle Grande Isle, Louisiana 1:56 P.M. CDT THE PRESIDENT: Good afternoon, everybody. I know it’s a little warm out here so want to get started. I’ve just had a meeting with these governors, members of Congress, local officials, as well as Admiral Thad Allen, the National Incident Commander in charge of response efforts to the [...]
Remarks by the President on the Gulf Oil Spill

12:50 P.M. EDT THE PRESIDENT: Good afternoon, everybody. Before I take your questions, I want to update the American people on the status of the BP oil spill -– a catastrophe that is causing tremendous hardship in the Gulf Coast, damaging a precious ecosystem, and one that led to the death of 11 workers who lost their lives in the [...]