Rep. Heck Statement on National Debt Passing $16 Trillion

Rep. Joe Heck (R-NV)
Debt per citizen now more than $50,000
LAS VEGAS – Congressman Joe Heck (NV-03) today released the following statement on the national debt passing $16 trillion.
“Today’s ominous milestone is yet another reminder of the dire fiscal straits our country is facing and the need for serious solutions to getting our deficits under control and reducing the debt. After running on a promise to cut the deficit in half and reduce our debt in his first term in office, President Obama has added trillions to the debt by pursuing failed stimulus policies and has left the American people and future generations holding the tab. Not only has this Administration broken these promises to the American people, it has ignored the seriousness of the situation by repeatedly proposing budgets with deficits of more than $1 trillion.
“I will continue to work with my colleagues to eliminate the big-spending culture that has gripped Washington by reducing spending, addressing the major drivers of our debt in a responsible way, continuing the earmark ban, and enacting a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution.”

Our National Debt as of 10:12pm on September 9th, 2012
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