Stop the Thieves! Strategies to Protect Your Images

 Posted by Guest at 2:01 pm  Tech Talk
Mar 312012
Stop the Thieves! Strategies to Protect Your Images

by Nathan Rohler / Magnetic Marketing Corp If you’re a photographer or other graphic artist, then you are undoubtedly displaying a portion of your work online. Unfortunately, this means you have to deal with the problem of image thieves ripping off your work and using it – without credit – on their own sites. Some would-be thieves are just [...]

Berkley working for clean energy jobs! REALLY?

 Posted by Kensei at 8:59 pm  2012 Elections, Federal GNC, Nevada Politics
Mar 292012
Berkley working for clean energy jobs! REALLY?

According to Congresswoman Shelly Berkley latest fundraising email blast… Republicans have spent recent months ignoring our economy and revisiting their plan to end Medicare as we know it, while I’ve been working to create clean energy jobs, beating back attacks on the health of women and families, and helping to shape legislation to improve our economy. Finally – she at [...]

 Tagged with: fund rasing, Shelly Berkley

Clean House at NBC! Al Sharpton

 Posted by Kensei at 1:22 pm  The Progressive Nation
Mar 292012
Clean House at NBC! Al Sharpton

[media-credit id=1 align="alignright" width="300"][/media-credit]Al Sharpton is a man who made a name for himself by orchestrating the Tawana Brawley hoax that destroyed innocent lives and incited race riots that led to the death of an innocent child. Here are some other Sharpton misdeeds: Al Sharpton spewing the n-word over and over and over (Listen here) Al Sharpton discussing “Chinamen,” Koreans, [...]

 Tagged with: Al Sharpton, NBC

Ed Schultz is one of the most hateful men in the history of Journalism

 Posted by Kensei at 12:00 pm  The Progressive Nation
Mar 292012
Ed Schultz is one of the most hateful men in the history of Journalism

[media-credit name="Kensei" align="alignright" width="300"][/media-credit]We have had enough with MSNBC hosts spewing hate-filled and misogynistic venom, while slandering conservatives and covering up left-wing scandals and lies. Ed Schultz is one of the most hateful men in the history of Journalism.He called Laura Ingraham a “right wing slut.” He claimed that “The Republicans want to see you dead! They’d rather make money [...]

Obama pledges bigger government after election

 Posted by Kensei at 11:29 pm  2012 Elections, Federal GNC
Mar 272012
Obama pledges bigger government after election

March 26th, 2012 From Congressman Dr. Joe Heck I wanted to be sure that you saw the comments made by President Obama in Seoul because I believe they are very telling of the challenges our Nation will face if Obama is elected to a second term. The exchange between President Obama and current Russian President Dmitri Medvedev came as Obama [...]

Shelly Berkley Finally wakes up!

 Posted by Kensei at 1:36 pm  Nevada Politics
Mar 262012
Shelly Berkley Finally wakes up!

It seems that our silent Congresswoman Shelly Berkley has finally woken up from her slumber.  We have been waiting to hear from about the supposed war on women, the anniversary of Obamacare, her support of the oversight committee for Medicare, the dust up over Limbaugh, Mayer and more – so you can imagine our excitement when we at long last [...]

What’s Hot, What’s Not in Gifting – gift cards ? Money ?

 Posted by Pam Danziger at 12:54 pm  The Business Advisor
Mar 262012
What's Hot, What's Not in Gifting - gift cards ? Money ?

While Gift Cards are Popular, They Aren’t the Choice with the Most Growth Potential New Unity Marketing research shows which categories are trending in the gift market and how marketers can capture more of their share March 20, 2012 Stevens, PA – It’s no surprise that gift cards were the most purchased gift last year or that gift cards rank [...]

CBP Announces Proposal to Expand Filing of Joint Customs Declarations

 Posted by Guest at 12:27 pm  Federal GNC, Tourism
Mar 262012
CBP Announces Proposal to Expand Filing of Joint Customs Declarations

WASHINGTON— U.S. Customs and Border Protection ( CBP ) will publish tomorrow a notice of proposed rulemaking proposing to revise its regulations concerning when members of a family residing in one household and traveling together on their return to the United States may make a joint declaration for all members of the family. CBP is proposing to expand the definition [...]

The Stories the POTUS tried to bury!

 Posted by Kensei at 10:33 pm  Federal GNC, Strictly Political
Mar 252012
The Stories the POTUS tried to bury!

Kensei Note: I guess the hypocrisy of the so called “war on women” and the politically motivated indignation extends all the way to the POTUS, President Obama himself.  This is just further proof that the liberal left feels that what is allowable or permitted by those on the left – is more than fair game for the right! President Obama [...]

Teach our children well… Lemonade Day

 Posted by Kensei at 2:05 pm  Education, Our Laws
Mar 252012
Teach our children well... Lemonade Day

Lemonade Day, created by Prepared 4 Life, a Texas 501C3 organization, is a fun and experiential learning program where communities across the nation unite to teach youth how to start, own and operate their own business through a lemonade stand.   There are two distinct components of Lemonade Day.  First, there is a month-long learning experience through which a child and [...]

 Tagged with: Lemonade Day