Designing A Flyer That Sells

 Posted by Guest at 6:23 pm  Advertising
Nov 282011
Designing A Flyer That Sells

Jay @ Personal Visual As your companys in-house graphics person-perhaps more by default than by intention-youre pressed to become a master of none. You want to understand how to create Flyer Design that sells; however, you have little time to perfect advanced design and marketing skills. Your ongoing concern is learning to do a little more to get a lot [...]

Harry Reid Says He Doesn’t Know What Socialism Is

 Posted by Kensei at 10:10 pm  Nevada Politics, Power Brokers, The Progressive Nation
Nov 262011
Harry Reid Says He Doesn't Know What Socialism Is

Talk show host Casey Hendrickson interviewed Reid in 2009, and asked him if he supported the government firing CEO’s. When it was pointed out to Reid that this is socialist, Reid said he didn’t know what socialism was. httpv://

Top Nevada Democrat Party official says what!?

 Posted by Guest at 10:06 pm  Nevada Politics, The Progressive Nation
Nov 262011
Top Nevada Democrat Party official says what!?

Alison Gaulden, chairman of the Washoe County Democrat Party, says that Nevada is a “horrible place to live” as well as expresses interest in instituting an income tax in Nevada. httpv://

5 Questions To Ask Yourself About Your Current Phone System

 Posted by Guest at 11:26 pm  The Business Advisor
Nov 222011

By: Vic Levinson In today’s competitive business environment, every sale is critical, every resource precious. And, every dollar spent has to drive bottom line results. That’s why its important for you to assess your current communication system. Heres five questions you should ask yourself: 1. How much do you know about callers before you pick up the phone? We are [...]

Impact Radius Names Top 25 Performance Marketing Influencers

 Posted by Guest at 2:36 pm  The Business Advisor
Nov 182011
Impact Radius Names Top 25 Performance Marketing Influencers

New List and Infographic Identifies Leading Industry Experts to Assist Marketers in Growing Revenues with their Performance Initiatives Santa Barbara, CA – November 2011: Performance marketing technology provider Impact Radius announced the publication of a “Top 25 Performance Marketing Influencers” list. Designed to help advertisers, agencies and media companies seeking expert guidance in improving their revenue from performance marketing, the [...]

DNCC Statement on Congressional Approval of Security Funds for City of Charlotte

 Posted by Guest at 9:10 pm  2012 Elections
Nov 172011
DNCC Statement on Congressional Approval of Security Funds for City of Charlotte

CHARLOTTE—The U.S. House of Representatives and Senate today each voted to pass the final version of legislation containing a $50 million federal grant to the City of Charlotte for security funds related to the 2012 Democratic National Convention. The legislation also includes a $50 million grant to the city of Tampa for the 2012 Republican National Convention—the same level of [...]

Today’s Best Investment Advice

 Posted by Guest at 4:40 pm  Sometimes ya just gotta laugh
Nov 172011
Today's Best Investment Advice

This was sent to us by Dave O out of Reno Nevada… Today’s best Current Investment Advice… If  you had purchased $1,000.00 of Nortel stock one year ago, it would now be worth $49.00. With Enron, you would have had $16.50 left of the original $1,000.00. With WorldCom, you would have had less than $5.00 left. If you had purchased [...]

The Coming Jobs War

 Posted by Guest at 5:44 pm  Careers - Jobs, Reference Library, The Business Advisor, The Economy
Nov 162011
The Coming Jobs War

What everyone in the world wants is a good job In a provocative book for business and government leaders, Gallup Chairman Jim Clifton describes how this undeniable fact will affect all leadership decisions as countries wage war to produce the best jobs. Leaders of countries and cities, Clifton says, should focus on creating good jobs because as jobs go, so [...]

Half of Voters Would Consider Third-Party Candidate in 2012

 Posted by Guest at 5:15 pm  Research & Markets, The Balance Point
Nov 162011
Half of Voters Would Consider Third-Party Candidate in 2012

American Pulse™ Survey 6,136 respondents participated in the 1st November American Pulse conducted 11/8-11/10/2011. The latest results show that most Voters think it’s time for a third political party to emerge, just in time for the 2012 Election. The majority of Voters don’t think the current two-party system is effective, and many Republicans and Democrats alike would consider voting for [...]

Bowing to Beijing: How Barack Obama is Hastening America’s Decline and Ushering A Century of Chinese Domination

 Posted by Guest at 2:26 pm  Reference Library, The Business Advisor
Nov 162011
Bowing to Beijing: How Barack Obama is Hastening America's Decline and Ushering A Century of Chinese Domination

Flattery Won’t Tame a Raging Dragon While the Obama administration is mired in big-government “solutions” to “threats” such as global warming, unregulated businesses, and free-market healthcare, Obama officials have ignored and compounded the single biggest danger facing the United States: the rising power of communist China. In Bowing to Beijing, Brett M. Decker and Bill Triplett cut through the fog [...]