Highlights of the Fall 2010 Affluent Market Tracking Study #18

 Posted by American Affluence Research Center at 6:20 pm  The Business Advisor
Oct 312010
Highlights of the Fall 2010 Affluent Market Tracking Study #18

As an inexpensive way to conduct research among the affluent, proprietary questions can be purchased in these tracking studies for your exclusive use. By Ron Kurtz President of the American Affluence Research Center Overview Generally continuing the improved outlook first evident in the Fall 2009 survey, the results of this new survey show few and minor changes in future spending [...]

Just another racist sign!

 Posted by Kensei at 5:16 pm  Strictly Political
Oct 312010
Just another racist sign!

It’s amazing just how far left the left has swung this days.  Everybody that doesn’t agree with them is either a racist, a race baiter, a “fill-in-the-blank” fobe or worse…if you can imagine such a thing. So in the interest of this site not be labeled by the far left as any one or more of those – we have [...]

How Much Time Does the U.S. Have?

 Posted by Guest at 8:28 pm  The Progressive Nation
Oct 292010
How Much Time Does the U.S. Have?

by Charles LiMandri West Coast Regional Director Thomas More Law Center In June, 2008 this writer warned readers that the moral decay eroding the foundation of our nation was bringing it within one generation of collapse.  I have tracked the decline of the U.S. over the past several decades to various landmark judicial decisions that sought to uncouple our nation [...]

Bill Maher spills the beans!

 Posted by Kensei at 8:21 pm  The Progressive Nation
Oct 292010
Bill Maher spills the beans!

Bill Maher, the man so full of…well…himself…that he actually believes the stuff he makes up for laughs!  Yes, yet another far left sometimes funny man, who actually thinks his knowledge of the American citizen is so vast that he can cast the net of stupidity across America and have them thank him for correctly diagnosing their milady! For example – [...]

Nevada’s “Actual” Unemployment Rate Hit 22.3% In Third Quarter

 Posted by Nevada News Bureau at 5:00 pm  Careers - Jobs, The Economy, The Progressive Nation
Oct 292010

CARSON CITY – Nevada’s “actual” unemployment rate in the third quarter of 2010 increased to 22.3 percent from 21.5 percent in the second quarter, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. The Bureau of Labor Statistics report shows a much worse unemployment situation in Nevada and nationally because it includes workers who are too discouraged to seek employment and [...]

You don’t want to use that phrase, dude.

 Posted by Kensei at 6:07 pm  The Progressive Nation
Oct 282010
You don't want to use that phrase, dude.

That sentiment wasn’t spoken to a buddy or a friend.  It wasn’t a wife to her husband, or drug addict to their dealer.  It was Jon Stewart to President Obama, face to face on the comedy – The Daily Show. This show, described by many as THE place that many people obtain their political news, is for all piratical purposes [...]

He had no servants, yet they called Him Master.

 Posted by Kensei at 3:31 pm  Think About It
Oct 272010

The Greatest man in history, had no servants, yet they called Him Master. Had no degree, yet they called Him Teacher. Had no medicines, yet they called Him Healer. He had no army, yet kings feared Him. He won no military battles, yet he conquered the world. He committed no crime, yet they crucified Him. He was buried in a [...]

Joy, Raised $150,000 online yesterday. Thanks for your help. Sincerely, Sharron

 Posted by Kensei at 2:30 pm  Wing Nuts
Oct 272010
Joy, Raised $150,000 online yesterday. Thanks for your help. Sincerely, Sharron

Seems that Sharron Angle not only has a great sense of humor, but the ability to see the irony in the ranting of far left loon Joy Behar on the View. For those of you who missed it…the View, popular ABC talk showing hosted by Barbara Walters, and featuring Whoopi Goldberg, far left loon Joy Behar, actress/comedian Sherri Shepherd and [...]

Grayson has his head so far up his a$$ a flashlight wouldn’t help!

 Posted by Kensei at 1:53 am  Wing Nuts
Oct 272010
Grayson has his head so far up his a$$ a flashlight wouldn't help!

Representative Alan Grayson, the wacko attack dog for President Obama in the House, is at it again!  This time not only showing his ignorance of what the GOP is all about – but also his out right stupidity on the ratings of one Fox News Channel! Of course, his lame brain historical attacks on the GOP still resonate on Capitol [...]

If atheism is a religion…

 Posted by Guest at 12:30 am  Think About It
Oct 272010

If atheism is a religion …then bald is a hair color …then not collecting stamps is a hobby …then unemployment is a career …then health is a disease …then war is peace …then freedom is slavery …then ignorance is a form of genius …then fire doesn’t burn