On Vacation…kinda…

 Posted by Kensei at 4:04 pm  Sometimes ya just gotta laugh
Nov 172009
On Vacation...kinda...

For those of you who don’t know – or who have the dreaded CRS*… I will be vacationing at the Lovely St. Rose Hospital here in Henderson from the 18th.  I should be there for at least a few days and then recovering from all the “fun in the sun”  for at least a week. Fear not – I’ll be [...]

Christmas Ornament is the same as a swastika?

 Posted by Kensei at 8:58 pm  The Progressive Nation
Nov 152009
Christmas Ornament is the same as a swastika?

According to the Lowell Massachusetts Sun – the Chelmsfords  Byam Elementary School PTO holds a HOLIDAY GIFT SHOP every year to raise money for the PTO…two of the parents are asking the principle to lift the ban on…now get this… …Santa, candy canes, stockings and all Christmas, Hanukkah and other “religious items” This discussion obviously got WAY out of hand [...]

 Tagged with: Christmas

Obama Subservient to Akihito?

 Posted by Kensei at 7:35 pm  World GNC
Nov 142009
Obama Subservient to Akihito?

Is the United States now subservient to Japan? UPDATE: 11.16.09 It seems I’m not the only one upset over this!  See below for comments from the beltway and beyond! I don’t think so…if anything we are equals.  Partners in many different areas, and highly dependent upon each other strengths to offset each others weakness!  They are a great country…the U.S. [...]

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed in CRIMINAL court?

 Posted by Kensei at 9:37 pm  Federal GNC
Nov 132009

A warrior fights to live – to continue the fight another day – he knows he will die someday, and die he will but in the company of his country, the people he served and with the greatest of honor, glory. A coward can be convinced to give up his life – but he doesn’t know until its over that [...]

 Tagged with: al Qaeda, Osama bin Laden, terrorist

Do I really need THIS coverage?

 Posted by Kensei at 7:02 pm  Federal GNC
Nov 122009

I for one don’t, my wife of 30 some odd years doesn’t – neither does my 50 something year old sister and her husband – or – his 90 something year old mother…So why are they trying to force me to buy it? We’re talking about insurance coverage for abortion in the new so called health reform plans! The so [...]

Health reform supporters have ‘herd mentality…

 Posted by Kensei at 10:40 pm  Federal GNC
Nov 112009

No – it’s not another Republican attack on the Democrats – it’s actually a Democrat attacking the Democrats! According to THE HILL’S – Briefing Room… Rep. Gene Taylor (D-Miss.), a conservative Democrat who is at times critical of his party’s leadership, accused leaders in Congress of hailing the health reform vote as historic in order to gin up support for [...]

 Tagged with: congress, The Hill

Home Grown Hate…

 Posted by Kensei at 6:35 pm  World GNC
Nov 102009

CNN Anderson Cooper 360, November 6th. Amazing, Americans, who hate America…who utilize their first amendment protections to preach their hatred against Americans, on the streets…of the United States of America.

 Tagged with:

GOP White Power Rally?

 Posted by Kensei at 10:05 pm  Federal GNC
Nov 062009

Far left MSNBC talking head Keith Olbermann, this evening had the audacity to call a rally on the steps of the Capital – “the closet thing yet to a GOP white power rally.” Pardon me Mr. Olbermann – but where to come off comparing the political rally on the steps of our Capitol building on Thursday (11.06.09) to a Neo-Nazi [...]

It’s the Republicans fault…

 Posted by Kensei at 5:00 pm  Federal GNC
Nov 062009

Now I’ve heard it all – Democratic pundits are claiming that they didn’t have the necessary 218 votes yet – because of the rally held on the steps Thursday and other delaying tactics that the Republicans are using. HUH? THEY don’t have the votes – and it’s the Republican’s Fault? Guy’s maybe…just maybe if you really had a bill that [...]

I’m getting dizzy!

 Posted by Kensei at 5:00 pm  Federal GNC
Nov 042009

With all the spin that is going on today regarding the elections yesterday – I’m getting dizzy!  Look – during the run up – EVERYBODY was clamoring on how this was going to be a referendum on President Obama and of course depending on which side of the fence you were on – it was either going to be good…or [...]

 Tagged with: , DNC, NY Times, , Politico