Riddle me this batman – Re: Judge Sotomayor

 Posted by Kensei at 9:08 pm  Federal GNC
May 302009

Riddle me this batman – Re: Judge Sotomayor  why is it the far right is running around like a half naked homophobic chicken little in a gay bar – while the far left is borrowing pages from Hans Christian Andersen and Brothers Grim to “spruce” up her resume! Look – with 40 votes in the Senate – the GOP can’t [...]

 Tagged with: Gay

Justice is supposed to be blind…

 Posted by Kensei at 3:34 am  Federal GNC
May 282009
Justice is supposed to be blind…

NOT empathetic… NOT sympathetic… NOT racist… NOT east coast… NOT mid west NOT west coast… NOT liberal… NOT conservative… NOT far left…far right…and you know…not even have a 10,000 view above it all like me! Justice – is supposed to be blind – because hypothetically – your race, creed, national origin,  sex, the depth of your pocket book, or the [...]

 Tagged with: conservative, MoveOn.org

Joe I never did get a chance to thank you…

 Posted by Kensei at 10:08 pm  Think About It
May 252009
Joe I never did get a chance to thank you...

Joe I never did get a chance to thank you face to face. For that piece of your heart that I stole from you You never really knew how happy she made me or how wonderful she made me feel every morning when I woke up. You never knew I sad I was when I was far away from her [...]

45 Lessons Life Taught Me

 Posted by Kensei at 6:41 pm  Think About It
May 252009

A friend of mine – a PHD in many disciplines, forwarded this to me.   Richard is one of the most brilliant men I have met – in his youth a street fighter, trained by our government in the art of death (USMC),  a black belt in the martial arts who has fought in the orient and here in the states, [...]

Roane County High School, Kingston Tennessee

 Posted by Kensei at 3:25 am  Our Laws
May 252009

Here’s another one from my good friend Dave – concerning of all things prayer before a football game.  Now it occurs to me that if a guy making a couple of million dollars a year wants to get down on one knee in front of everyone on Monday night foot ball for all to see and thank the good lord [...]

 Tagged with: GOD, Religion

A New School prayer

 Posted by Kensei at 3:05 am  Our Laws
May 252009

This was sent to me by a good friend of my – long out of school – but not long out of the fight, to keep some kind of logic within the school system! A New School prayer Now I sit me down in school Where praying is against the rule For this great nation under God Finds mention of [...]

 Tagged with: GOD, Religion

A Penny for your thoughts?

 Posted by Kensei at 8:12 pm  Federal GNC
May 242009
A Penny for your thoughts?

I’m sure you’ve heard that our nation needs to shave the budget here and there to save a few dollars.  There’s a lot of arguing going around about which program to cut, which bridge not to build, or schools not to fund.  I have a suggestions. When a business manufacturers a product TYPICALLY – that product is produced for less [...]

Mike – write something about yourself…

 Posted by Kensei at 3:25 am  Think About It
May 242009

To write something about myself is to admit ignorance, fend stupidity, and dodge brilliance.  All which I have done very successfully throughout my lifetime.  Why admit it to the world now?  Only the god Lord Knows the punch line to that joke – a quest he has set me on for the second ½ of my life! -Mike D’Amore  May [...]

 Tagged with: DAmore

Effective Gun Control

 Posted by Kensei at 7:50 pm  Our Laws
May 232009

OK – sounds like the gun control nuts and the NHRA are going to be at it again over increased / decreased gun control again.  To tell you the truth I really don’t understand the entire argument – but here is my two cents… Why in Sam Hills name don’t we simply make the use or threatened use of a [...]

Let us Remember…

 Posted by Kensei at 11:35 pm  Federal GNC
May 222009
Let us Remember...

It is the Soldier It is the Soldier, not the reporter Who has given us freedom of the press. It is the Soldier, not the poet, Who has given us freedom of speech.   It is the Soldier, not the campus organizer, Who has given us the freedom to demonstrate. It is the Soldier, not the lawyer, Who has given [...]

 Tagged with: Memorial Day