This is my response to Senator Webb – Democrat from Virginia, article in this weeks Parade. I have sent this as a letter to the editor to the Las Vegas Sun, Las Vegas Revew Journal AND to Senator Web Himself. I am used to politicians sensationalizing their topic of the day in order to get taxpayer dollars to study this [...]
Gay Marriage Ban SOLVED!!!!
OK – I don’t know why I have to do everything – but here goes my solution! Since the institution of marriage predates most organized governments of the world – one can only surmise that like prostitution – marriage is one of the oldest, religious practices known to man. Once governments became involved in the arrangements – they were more [...]
CT School Bans Physical Contact
According to a news report on – an East Shore middle school has outlawed “High-Fives,” “Hugging” And Horseplay Of Any Kind; Violators May Face Expulsion. You can read the entire article here Of course, the school’s principle is reacting to incident – much more violent than a hug – more like a kick in the groin whcih sent the [...]
Words to Live by: Never, Ever, ASSUME!
Words to live by – and simple things that allow us allow us all to just get along. How many times have you heard…Well, I just Assumed that you wanted it that way… Well folks – if you’ve never heard the retort – don’t assume things – you just make an ASS out of U and ME – you have [...]
Words to live by: If you open it…close it!
Words to live by – and simple things that allow us allow us all to just get along. This little rule is one that many of us forget. It happens with doors, drawers and can even be extended to mouths and seats…as in toilet seats in the up and down position. The point my friends – is if you must [...]